Administering a computer network is not an easy task to perform. Synchronization of technology and components are desired for its successful operation. One of such component is known as network interface card (NIC) which is popularly called as network controller.
Know more about a network controller
It is a hardware device that plays a vital role in the maintenance of a computer network. It prepares the network interface for a computer and enables it to interact with other computers within the network. It is equipped with a ROM chip that is identified by media access control (MAC) address. Due to this address it remains unique in the LAN. For better compatibility to the network, it is equipped with dual layers like physical and data link. Both the layers are equally important for network administration as network devices are accessed by the physical layer whereas MAC systems are accessed through data link layer.
Issues that might occur due to a faulty controller
Issues on your Dell Alienware Aurora ALX can arise due to anomalies with the controller. The error message "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" might crop up repeatedly in case the device is not working properly. Wrong configuration of the device is responsible for this error message. Internet and firewall are also sometimes responsible for this error message. Your device could start having problems if the file sharing network is wrongly configured or the IP address is not appropriate. Due to the wrong IP address the controller will not be able to connect the computer to the assigned network.
Things you can do to troubleshoot network controller on your Dell Alienware Aurora ALX
There are a few things that need to be kept in mind while troubleshooting technical issues. Issues can be resolved by running the automatic troubleshooting option. If things do not improve after doing this then you should try to set up the network by following the below mentioned steps.
Firstly, you need to establish a home or office network through below mentioned steps:
'My computer' -> 'My network places' -> 'Add a network place'
Now follow the instructions appearing on your display.
Secondly, you need to build the network follow the steps given below:
'My computer' -> 'My network places' ->' View network connections'
Now you need to right click on the network you had setup earlier in the first set of actions and follow the steps given below.
Properties -> Internet Protocol -> Properties
Now you have to re-enter the IP after clicking on the "Use the following IP"
If you do not find the controller there then you would need to reset it.
These steps will help resolve the issues but if you still find the problem persisting, then the best way is to get tech support through an experienced computer support service provider.
Polly is known for her immense dedication towards spreading technical and technological awareness amongst masses. She is a qualified tech support engineer handling a whole team towards providing online technical support. Her keen interest in technology and gadgets has lead her to write about it and spread the word to people. She wishes that each one be aware of the prevalent technology and resolving common computer support issues.