If you’ve ever attempted to research a car problem using the
Internet, then you already know that finding free information or
tutorials is nearly impossible. The large majority of websites that
market themselves as auto repair sites are nothing more than thinly
cloaked sales sites for auto parts, ebooks and manuals or a question
& answer service that will charge you a fee to receive an answer.
While they may be few and far between, there are actually some websites out there that offer truly free information that can help you with troubleshooting car problems that you may be having.
Reading a manual or tutorial on the Internet may not bring you up to
speed on how to break out the ratchet set and start changing your own
spark plugs if you’ve never even laid your hands on the oil dipstick.
However, free informational portals and tutorials can train you
on how to understand how your car operates and how to troubleshoot the
more common problems that many people have, with the sort of repair
solutions anyone can accomplish themselves. Many times, if you take your
vehicle in for repair at a local auto repair shop, they’ll find a way
to stick you with a ridiculous repair bill that you didn’t really need.
If you’d like to have a few truly free resources for troubleshooting
your own minor car problems, then please review the following list and
consider adding them all to your bookmarks under “auto repair.” The next
time your engine doesn’t start, don’t immediately call the repair shop.
Work through the step-by-step guides on these sites and you may
surprise yourself when you’re able to figure out how to get the car
started on your own.
Site #1 For Troubleshooting Car Problems – HowStuffWorks
HowStuffWorks, the site that Aibek reviewed in 2006,
has evolved significantly and is leaps and bounds ahead of any other
site when it comes to learning about your car’s various systems starting
from the ground up. It obviously isn’t the equivalent of going to
mechanics school, but the sheer volume of information available at
HowStuffWorks is enough to teach you the basics of how your car engine
works as well as all of the parts and systems of your car.
Post By: http://www.makeuseof.com/